World Champion Dale Oliver started the Spintastics Yo-Yo line back in 1993. Over the years it has been tweaked and refined, but remain the same classic yo-yo that has been introducing players to the love of Yo-Yo.
Quality high performance diabolos have been a trademark of Spintastics. The original one way bearing was designed by Dale Oliver and remains the staple of high performance diabolos the world over.
Spin Tops and Spintastics have been synonymous for decades. Nobody has more modes or more more innovations that Spintastics. If you like Spin Tops, you love Spintastics.
We are all about skill toys
Spintastics was founded by Dale and Valerie Oliver in 1993. Both of whom are accomplished skill toys champions. It was then sold to YoYoPlay and eventually made it’s way to the YoyoSam family of quality skill toy products. We are enormously proud of the rich history of Spintastics and look forward to great things in the future.
A rich history and an exciting future
Spintastics was born out of my desire to make high performance , top quality, skill toys for a fair price. Every innovation I came up with had the singular goal of making Spintastics a brand I was proud to use as well as sell.

Dale Oliver
Spintastics is a brand with a long history of quality at affordable prices. It is our mission to build on that legacy while introducing a new generation to the joy of skill toys.